Frequently Asked Question

Connecting a PC to a Data Manager
Last Updated 10 years ago

Use the following steps to connect your PC/Laptop onto the primary network on the Data Manager (Eth0).

Note : The PC or laptop you want to connect must have an Ethernet network adapter that is fully functional.

1. Ensure that your PC/Laptop has been assigned a static IP address in the same range as set in the Data Manager ( This can be found under the 'Network Card Setup' menu on the Data Manager ).

2. To set up your computer with a static IP address you will need to go in to the 'Control Panel' on your computer and there will be an icon for 'networks'. Select 'Local Area Connection' - 'Properties' and configure 'TCP/IPv4'. Make sure 'Use the following IP address' is selected and enter in an IP address in the same range as the Data Manager (ensuring you are not using the same address as a controller already logged on.)

3. Check to see that the address has been assigned to the PC/Laptop by running up a 'Command Prompt' session and typing in the following command 'ipconfig'. This will display the current address for your Local Area Connection. It should read the address that you have entered.

4. Now use a CAT5 patch lead (straight through, not cross-over), and connect the Ethernet adapter on the PC/laptop to a spare port (not an uplink port) on one of the hubs on the Data Managers IP network.

5. Alternatively you can connect directly to the Data Manager/Director primary Ethernet port. Note : You MUST use a CAT5 cross-over patch lead for this.

6. Run up a web browser (i.e Internet Explorer ), enter the IP address of Eth0 ( Usually ). This should bring up the Data Manager home screen.

If connecting into the secondary Ethernet port on the Data Manager, please follow the same instructions. The only difference will be the IP address you are connecting to, what range you will have to set your PC/Laptop in and you need to use a crossover CAT5 cable.

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