Data Manager - adding a feature
Last Updated 11 years ago
To activate a feature on the Data Manager, please carry out the following;
1. Ensure there has been a valid purchase order, for the desired part number(s), sent to RDM Sales.
2. Log into the panel as an Install level user via the ‘Service’ button.
3. Navigate to System / Site / Add Feature
3b. For Older DM hardware, select ‘5’ for ‘System’, ‘1’ for ‘Site’, then ‘2’ for ’Configuration’ and then ‘2’ again for ‘Add Feature’ This will show the System Key and there will be a box to type in the ‘Activation Number’.
4. Take a note of the System Key and call RDM Technical Support on 0141 810 2828, if possible do this while at the Data Manager. Note Technical Support are open Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:00.
5. Advise Technical Support of the purchase order number, the feature(s) you require and Data Manager System Key.
6. Technical Support will issue you with an activation code, write this code down for future reference and enter it in to the panel when able.
7. The panel will restart and the new feature(s) will be enabled.
8. Ensure every device logs back on and the panel is in the same condition as it was before the feature activation process.
9. NB - depending on the feature(s) enabled you may have to configure and commission the feature. Please refer to the appropriate product documentation.