Frequently Asked Question

How to carry out a Data Manager software upgrade via PC
Last Updated 11 years ago

Software upgrades for the Data manager will be released when new features are added to the functionality of the current DM software.

For availability and costs please consult RDM Sales.

To carry out a software upgrade yourself please follow the below procedure;

Via PC connected to the Data Manager

1) Following the receipt of the software, save the attached zipped folder “Data Manager Software Upgrade version xxxx” to your desktop and extract the contents. Once extracted please do not rename the file contained as it has to remain "update.img"

2) When you attend site connect to the Data Manager using your laptop.

3) Click on “Service” and log in using an install level user account.

4) Navigate to General -> Upgrade Software.

5) Click on “Browse” and navigate to the “update.img” file supplied.

6) The Data Manager will now prompt for a “Passcode” and show a “Panel ID” which is unique to this device.

7) Contact RDM Technical support quoting the Panel ID.

8) Enter the passcode supplied from Technical Support and Click “Check Pass” to begin the upgrade process. The unit will restart.

9) Once the Data Manager is up and running, navigate to “Service”, “General” and “Software Version”. Ensure the desired software version is displayed.

10) Ensure every device logs back on and the panel is in the same condition as it was before the upgrade process.

11) Check the configuration of the Data Manager and ensure it is operating as expected before leaving site.

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